Haven Bridge, Great Yarmouth
Bridge Height Estimate: 2.61m (8'7"), 26 minutes ago

Calculated from Haven Bridge Tide Height= 0.617m at 18/04/2024 18:00 BST
Lifting Road Bridge - Callsign "Haven Bridge" on VHF12

For vessels that require the bridge to be lifted, Haven Bridge lifts will be available at 10:00am and 14:00pm every day.
Advance booking is essential. Lifts must be booked between the hours of 09:00am to 15:00pm Monday to Friday at least 24 hours in advance of the required passage time. Lifts for weekends must also be booked during these times.
Bookings should be made by emailing havenbridgeliftbookings@peelports.com and providing the following information:
• Vessel Name
• Contact Name
• Contact Address
• Contact telephone number
• Requested date/time of lift

Tide Delay below is vs. Gorleston-on-Sea (only about 10 minutes behind Lowestoft)

[Bridge height estimates use Environment Agency tide gauge data from the real-time data API (Beta)
See:- https://environment.data.gov.uk/flood-monitoring/doc/tidegauge]
01493 335522
2m (6'7") to 4.3m (14'1")
1 hours